Academic FAQ

What are the unsubscribe deadlines for an exam or course?

You can still unsubscribe from the course up to 1 week after the course has started. You can still (un)register for the exam up to 1 week before the exam.

If you were registered for a course but ultimately did not take the course and did not take the exam, this will result in a No Show (NS) for this course. What is the consequence of a no show?

 If you don't unsubscribe for a course or exam, it's no problem. You will then receive an NS as a result for this course. An NS (No Show) is an administrative notice that you were not present at an (re)examination for which you have registered. It does not overwrite an achieved result. This is only visible to you on VUweb and to the VU in their system. This will therefore not be visible on your diploma or on an official list of grades from the VU. It also does not count towards the average and does not count for a Cum Laude classification.

What textbooks are recommended to buy?

For year 1 the books of Probability Theory, Linear Algebra and the Finance Text- & Workbook are recommended.
For year 2 the books of Numerical Methods, Operations Research 1, Ethics and the Text- & Workbook Introduction to the Theory of Econometrics are recommended.

How can I graduate cum laude?

1) When confirming the results of an examination, the Examination Board will award the citation ‘cum laude’ or ‘summa cum laude’ to students who have demonstrated exceptional ability.

2) The citation will be fixed on the basis of the unrounded GPA. Extracurricular courses will not be included in this calculation.

3) In order to qualify for the citation, all examination results need to be obtained using one single examination opportunity. Resits, compensation for insufficient grades, not complete (NVD) or any record concerning academic misconduct in the student’s file will disqualify for the citation.

4) If an internship would make it impossible to graduate within the periods mentioned below, the candidate must first complete all courses of the program within the set period, request a postponement of graduation and graduate after the internship is completed.

For more information click here (Subject 19).

Are there admission requirements for some courses?

Yes, for the courses Integrative Practical and Advanced Practical there are admission requirements. The specific requirements can be found in the Study guide.

How can I follow extra courses outside of the curriculum?

You can register for as many extra courses as you want. If you obtain a result for these courses, they will be registered in your extracurricular list. These courses will not be included in your degree programme, and thus they will also not count for a (summa) cum laude citation. If you do wish to include these courses in your degree programme, they would count as an externally achieved result, and you would have to submit a request to the Examination Board

Registration for these courses works in one of two ways, depending on whether the course is offered extracurricularly or not. You can find whether a course is offered extracurricularly or not in the study guide, under details > target audience (or you simply notice you cannot find it in your registration module).
1) If the course is offered extracurricularly, then you can register in the same way you normally would for courses in your regular study program. You search for the course in the registration module, and then you register.
2) If the course is not offered extracurricularly, then you have to submit a request to the education office of the faculty via the following form. If this request is honored, then you can see your registration for the course in your registration module.

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