Year Closure

Join us to celebrate the end of the acadamic year together with your fellow kraketters at the beach of zandvoort! There will be a bbq, unlimited drinks, a round of prosecco and a lot of laughter! So for one last time, sign up, have some drinks with us and take a swim on the sunny Friday June 28!

Location: Ons Paviljoen 11 (Boulevard de Favauge 11, 2042 TT Zandvoort)

Time: 16:00 - 22:00 | Costs: Free | Capacity: 55

Registration: Friday June 7, 13:00 - Friday June 14, 13:00.

Note: Late unregistrations or not showing up may lead to a fine. Always contact someone from the board if you are unable to come. You can find the fine policy here. It is also expected you attend the whole activity when you sign up.

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