Join Kraket

Do you study a bachelor of master in one of the Econometrics & Operations Research or Econometrics & Data Science tracks at the Vrije Universiteit? Or are you doing a premaster so you can follow the master next year? Then become a member of study association Kraket! You can register via the form below. After having registered succesfully, you can benefit from the services that Kraket offers her members. This incorporates a discount on textbooks, but of course also the possibility to join our activities!

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Personal information

Address information

Study information

Withdrawal authorization

I hereby authorize study association Kraket to withdraw money from the above mentioned IBAN because of the Annual Contribution of 5 euros, potential fines, and costs for the participation of activities from Kraket.

Kraket WhatsApp

To stay up-to-date about all Kraket events and news, you can sign up for updates via WhatsApp. You can do so by following these simple steps.

1. Add Kraket (+31 6 83169846) as a contact.

2. Send us a message containing your full name such that we know who you are.

By performing these steps, you give us permission to send you updates and contact you via WhatsApp.

Furthermore, you can give us permission to add you to the WhatsApp group app of your year.

General terms and privacy policy

I hearby declare that I read and agree to the general terms and conditions (algemene voorwaarden) and the privacy policy (privacybeleid).

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Please complete the expression to confirm you are not a robot, and use digits when answering.

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